Welcome! This page is dedicated to the absolute love of my life, Michael!!! Michael is the best boyfriend I could have ever asked for and every day I am so happy and grateful because I know someone like him is by my side. To honor everything he has done for me, I thought I'd essentially write a huge love letter about him. He genuinely means the world to me and I know in my heart that I want to love him and care for him forever. He is the sweetest boy I have ever met and I love him.

To begin, Michael and I met a few years ago on....Twitter of all places. Despite this, we didn't start talking at least for a few years. We were mutuals who would occassionally interact, but that changed over time. Back then I was REALLY into TF2 (I still am, to an extent), and so was he. We added each other on Steam and we started to play TF2 with together, and eventually we decided to add each other on Discord and call together. This became a routine for us since the first time we hung out together, it was really fun and we hung out until AT LEAST 4 in the morning our first time. Then I decided to play all of the Yakuza series for him for a few months and by that time we were hanging out at least for a year. We're like two peas in a pod, never separated and almost always together. I always looked forward to coming home to be with him. As it turns out, we both had INSANELY OBVIOUS CRUSHES on each other and we did not notice. Yes, everyone thought it was incredibly obvious. I just didn't get the hints (#AUTISM) and I hid my feelings because I didn't want to freak him out at all. Romance is something that I am definitely...not something I was ever experienced with. Despite that, we both daydreamed of each other quite often and eventually both had the courage to advance our relationship. He quickly became my friend, best friend, and eventually my boyfriend.

I hang out with my boyfriend pretty much every single day despite the 6 hour distance between us, and every day is so fun because of the time we're together for! We like to play video games together, mainly Overwatch and occasionally TF2, as well as watching TV shows together. I've gotten into so many cool interests because of him (Yakuza, Breaking Bad/BCS, etc.) We love to show each other things we enjoy and to watch/play them together!!! I love talking to him about everything he likes and making him smile and laugh. We have very similar taste in games, music, and TV so I'm never bored! We're always having so much silly fun together hehe. I love to spend time with him and to make him feel cared for and loved. I hope I can always spend my time with him like this.

Aside from all of that, we have great chemistry together and we are great at talking with each other and communicating the things we're thinking. I've always been pretty shy and reserved though I find that I've never been more comfortable with someone else like I have with him before. He makes me safe and I feel as if I can talk to him about anything I'm thinking of or anything that may be bothering me. I'm hoping I make him feel the same way. There are a lot of things he does around me that he doesn't do with anyone else and it makes me so happy to know that he trusts me enough to be himself around me, y'know? You might be thinking "well, people are supposed to do that in relationships; it's the bare minimum," and you'd be right; unfortunately, I haven't had very good past relationships. I'm happy that I now have someone who understands me and is always willing to be kind and patient with me. It's not hard to be good to your partner!!! I'm glad he's as patient and open as he is, I've never been exposed to something like that before and it's a wonderful change. I've really improved as a person since I began to hang out with him every day, and I'm happy to say that for once in my life, I feel genuinely happy and loved.

We were lucky enough to meet each other in person about three times! We met the day before going to an amusement park (4/23/24) and I shared my first kiss ever with him. After the 24th, we met again on the 27th and spent the day together at my home town. We did so much that day and it still doesn't feel real, I so desperately wish for him to return. I miss him with all my heart and I love him so much. I miss feeling his lips against mine and I miss how warm and huggable he is. I miss making him smile and laugh and holding hands with him while we walk together. I miss going on fun rides with him and running around the amusement park with him. I miss getting boba with him and seeing his reaction to how yummy the boba was. I miss wearing his Yakuza jacket and feeling so warm and cozy. I miss cuddling with him in bed together and him laying his head on my chest. I miss feeling him. I miss him. He is so beautiful and breathtaking and I want to kiss him just one more time. I yearn for it, ache for it even. I don't know how much longer I can go without him next to me. He's so beautiful...I need him in my life forever and ever. Everything about him is so gorgeous to me and I want to always love him. I miss you so dearly my Michael!!!! I miss you and your laugh and your smile and your facial hair poking my face whenever we kiss. I miss everything. I love and miss you so much. I promise I will see you again someday, and we will do all the things we didn't get the chance to do.

Michael has been gentle and kind with me since the very beginning. He's always been an amazing friend, someone I can deeply trust, and extremely comforting; to this day, this still remains true. Michael truly is a work of art, he is such a lovely human being with the most genuine and kind personality I've had the chance to come across. I consider myself very lucky that I had the chance to meet him, and I hope that I can spend many more years with him. Michael is my best friend and he will always be someone that I deeply cherish and adore. I hope he realizes just how much I love and appreciate him. Michael has genuinely changed my life and I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. Anyway, I know Michael is likely reading this right now. HI BABY!!! I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU WITH MY ENTIRE HEART AND SOUL!!! I hope you like the page I made for you, I spent hours writing and coding all of this for you because I can never get you out of my mind. Whether its art or coding or whatever, you are always something that comes to my mind whenever I create things. My muse. I love to make things for you and draw you and to show my love for you through my creations. You're the sweetest guy I've ever met and I'm hoping that we stay together for a very long time. I'm so lucky to know you and to have met you and I could never fully describe just how much I love and adore and appreciate you, but I hope that this provided you a general idea. You mean everything to me and from the bottom of my heart, I love you!
...and I always will.