Welcome to SunnyDay v2! 
My name is Rita and I'm the webmaster! This is my personal website and it was created with love to practice coding, share my passions, and connect with others. Take a look around! Thank you for visiting Sunny Day! =)
Want to learn more? Check out the site history page!
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Website Updates
June 9, 2024
"Finally getting off my ass and LOCKING IN"
I listed on the directory that there would be a blog for...2 years now, and I FINALLY worked on it! Here are the details:
- Added blog page
- Added one entry to the blog
- Updated localization files
May 1, 2024
"After NINE months in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait."
A small update technically, but huge for me. WE ARE SO BACK!!! Here are the details:
- Revamped about page
- Updated localization files
August 2, 2023
"After five months in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait."
WELCOME TO SUNNYDAY v2! I've come up with various ideas over the last few months and I have worked hard to make them a reality. I've updated pretty much the entire site to make the layouts better, information more accurate, and make pages look more visually appealing to look at. Here are the details:
- Remade home page (AGAIN)
- Updated webmaster introduction
- Created page dedicated to my boyfriend..... ♡
- Updated gallery
- Created website history page (features credits)
- Updated localization files
March 31, 2023
"End of an era."
A small update, along with the removal of something a lot of us are familiar with. Here are the details:
- Revamped gallery
- Updated webrings (RIP YESTERWEB)
- Updated localization files
March 26, 2023
"A new era."
The rebirth of SunnyDay! Not too much changed, but it still marks an important time in the site's history. Here are the details:
- Changed URL (Formally SniperTF2)
- Revamped homepage
- Updated about page
- Added testimonials page on about page
- Updated gallery
- Updated localization files
December 16, 2022
"Finally got motivation to work again."
A nice new layout to the site, along with some minor additions. Important to note that the chatbox added previously was taken down due to slurs being spammed on there (fuck whoever did that btw). Here are the details:
- Remade homepage
- Updated art page
- Changed "Song of the Week" to "Song of the Month"
- Created guestbook
- Updated localization files
November 26, 2022
"Small update but also important in a way."
Added a chatbox for the first time! Let's hope nobody will take advantage of it. Here are the details:
- Remade about page
- Added chatbox for visitors
- Updated localization files
September 4, 2022
"First main page revamp! Woohoo!"
A new era for SniperTF2! Here are the details:
- Remade main page
- Temporary removal of some pages
- Updated webrings
- Updated localization files
July 17, 2022
"Slowly progressing."
More updates! Here are the details:
- Finished resources page
- Found out how to change bullet point appearance
- Updated localization files
May 16, 2022 - June 29, 2022
"Various small patches within a short amount of time."
An "experimental" time in the site history, mainly consisting of actually learning how to code as well as learning from mistakes. Here are the details:
- Created site layouts
- Updated various pages and patched errors
- Updated localization files
Apr 10, 2022
"The beginning of it all."
The birth of SniperTF2/SunnyDay! Mark your calendars! Here are the details:
- Created the site
- Created first layout EVER
- Updated localization files
Song of the Month .gif)
Windy Summer
Webrings and More 
To-Do List 
- Create graphics page (and find enough graphics to fill it up)
- Create/finish various shrines
- Work on sitemap
- Create a log of games that I've played/began to play